The Scenario Investment Planning Platform provided the Forest Service with tools to identify cross-boundary management priorities as part of the shared stewardship initiative. Scenario planning tools are an essential part of building consensus among landowners as a way to expand the restoration footprint to achieve desired outcomes on the ground.
The ForSys Research Consortium
The ForSys Research Consortium brings together researchers, practitioners, and educators with the need for scenario modeling tools for a wide range of land management planning problems.

How ForSys Helps
Prioritizing and planning investments in restoration and risk reduction is a significant challenge for land managers globally. Tools are needed that can translate natural hazard threat assessments into spatially-explicit prioritization strategies and action plans that predict outcomes, analyze decision tradeoffs, and support planning analyses required under the National Environmental Policy Act. The ForSys Planning Platform was developed by US Forest Service Research and Development to provide a robust analytical framework for simulating management scenarios and measuring outcomes and tradeoffs at a range of scales.
ForSys Uses
Spatial optimization of treatments
Explore landscape management scenarios optimized for multiple objectives to maximize returns from restoration and risk reduction investments.
Generate five-year action plans
Identify the type and area of restoration treatments required to meet restoration goals as part of longer term action plans.
Prioritize prescribed fire
Schedule the backlog of areas needing prescribed fire to optimize logistics and project design parameters.
Strategic containment
Prioritize fuel break network treatments into manageable project areas that meet operational and administrative constraints and prioritize investments over time to maximize fire management outcomes.
Cross-boundary scenario planning
Expand the restoration footprint by identifying cross-boundary projects that are optimized for multiple management objectives consistent with the goals of individual landowners.
Tradeoff analysis
Explore multiple restoration priorities to understand management tradeoffs and whether compromise solutions exist.
Case Studies
ForSys was developed as part of research on landscape management planning and spatial optimization over the last 15 years. The model has been used in multiple countries and over 25 published case studies at scales ranging from watersheds to the continental US. Management scenarios developed with the model have been incorporated into multiple planning documents including state forest action plans, environmental impact statements, and environmental assessments.

ForSys Used by Forest Service Researchers to Prioritize Firesheds for the 2022 Wildfire Crisis Strategy
Start Using ForSys
ForSys is designed to help managers create spatial prioritization plans that meet predefined goals and targets while considering constraints to achieve them. The model was developed with an emphasis for wide application by non-technical users, and thus optimization is accomplished with a relatively simple greedy spatial heuristic instead of more complicated mathematical programming approaches used in many other planning systems. ForSys was developed for multiple platforms including windows desktop (ForSysX) and in R (ForSysR).
Recent Updates
Maximizing opportunities for co-implementing fuel break network and restoration projects

Collaborative prioritization of forest and fuel treatment projects in eastern Washington State
ForSysXR – A new way of running ForSysX through the open-source R platform